University of Maryland
Sociology 441: Stratification 

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

To convert current dollars to constant dollars, divide the current dollar amount by the consumer price index (CPI) below. For example, if you had an amount for 1960 that was $500 in current 1960 dollars, to adjust for inflation, divide that by the 1960 CPI (.296) to get $1689. This compares to $500 dollars in 1999 which in constant dollars is $300 ($500 / 1.666 = $300).
1950 .241
1951 .260
1952 .265
1953 .267
1954 .269
1955 .268
1956 .272
1957 .281
1958 .289
1959 .291
1960 .296
1961 .299
1962 .302
1963 .306
1964 .310
1965 .315
1966 .324
1967 .334
1968 .348
1969 .367
1970 .388
1971 .405
1972 .418
1973 .444
1974 .493
1975 .538
1976 .569
1977 .606
1978 .652
1979 .726
1980 .824
1981 .909
1982 .965
1983 .996
1984 1.039
1985 1.076
1986 1.096
1987 1.136
1988 1.183
1989 1.240
1990 1.307
1991 1.362
1992 1.403
1993 1.445
1994 1.482
1995 1.524
1996 1.569
1997 1.605
1998 1.630
1999 1.666


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Last updated March 3, 2000
comments to: Reeve Vanneman.