University of Maryland


"Parental Education and Child Outcomes" (Sonalde Desai, PI), National Institute of Child Health and Development, 1R01 HD046166-01 (2004-2008).

"Health, Environment, and Social Structure in India", National Institute of Aging and Fogarty International Center (collaborative with Sonalde Desai as co-PI), R21 TW006496-01 (2004-2007).

"Maternal and Child Health in India", (Sonalde Desai, PI), National Institute of Child Health and Development, 1R01 HD041455-01 (2003-2008).

"The Demand for Female Labor" (collaborative research with David Cotter and Joan Hermsen), National Science Foundation, SBR-9871204 (1998-2001).

"Unequal Partnerships: Gender and the Initiation of Sexual Activity" Co-P.I.; Sonalde Desai, P.I. Mellon Foundation (1996-1998).

"Gender inequalities across Metropolitan Labor Markets," National Science Foundation, SBR-9422546 (1995-1996).

"Development and Gender Inequality among India's Districts." National Science Foundation, SES-9011558, (1990-1993).

"The social consequences of economic growth." National Science Foundation, SES-8809362, (1988-1989).

"Rationality and growth in new organizations." National Institute of Mental Health (1976-1978).

"Technology and class identification: 1952-1972." National Science Foundation (1974-1976).

"A pilot study of perceived occupational similarities." U.S. Department of Labor (1974-1975).

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Last updated April 1, 2008
comments to: Reeve Vanneman.