Indian District Database

Reference using Indian district data:

Barnes, Douglas and Reeve Vanneman. 1983. "Agricultural development and rural landlessness in India." Studies in Comparative International Development 18: 90-112.

Abstract: Economic growth resulting from improved agricultural technology has been claimed to increase the landlessness of the poorest members of Ru populations. Research on recent agricultural development in India has supported this relationship, but has been flawed by various methodological problems, in particular, the use of data only from regions of highest productivity & the absence of any longitudinal verification of evidence. To investigate the relationship between landlessness & agricultural development, researchers compared government agricultural data for almost all of India's districts (N = 313 of 334) for the period of 1961-1971; the strategy allowed differences in agricultural activity among regions to be examined. The analysis did not substantiate the claim that peasant landlessness is increased as a direct result of increased agricultural productivity.

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Indian District Database
Last updated April 23, 2001
comments to: Reeve Vanneman.